
Maple Hill Preschool is dedicated to offering children a program that is age appropriate coupled with a wide range of activities. Listed below are examples of the learning objectives found in both programs.

Pre-K Social and Emotional Objectives

  • Establish feelings of trust, openness, and safety in a classroom community
  • Demonstrate his/her confidence in their range of abilities and express pride in accomplishment
  • Share and take turns with others

Creative Arts

  • Explore painting, drawing, sculpture, collage, etc.
  • Use a variety of art materials: crayons, tempera paint, watercolor paint, chalk, clay, etc.
  • Experiment with mixing colors

Language Arts

  • Pre-Reading
  • Exposure to the alphabet: letter names and sounds
  • Recognize, spell, and write first name
  • Begin to explore phonological processing skills: rhyming, word segmenting


  • Develop fine motor skills: play dough, scissors, pencils, Legos, etc.
  • Explore painting and drawing
  • Begin to write name

Pre-K Language Skills

  • Explore conversations with peers and adults in both large and small group discussions
  • Hear and use new vocabulary words
  • Children will start to understand words such as “in, by, with, to, over, and under”

Mathematics (Discovery)

  • Pre-K Mathematics
  • Numerals 1-10
  • Rote counting from 1-10
  • Time: day and night
  • More or less

Pre-K Science

  • Identify objects by size, shape, and color
  • Begin to build structures with one or more dimension
  • Label weather conditions: sunny, cloudy, raining, hot, cold, etc.

Physical Development

  • Large Motor Development
  • Run, jump, hop, gallop, skip, kick, catch and throw a ball
  • Fine Motor Development
  • Use hands and fingers to act out finger plays and songs

Health and Safety Objectives

  • Attend to personal needs and self help: hand washing, fasten clothing, use tissues as needed, etc.