Board Members
Name | Position | |
Brianne M. | Chair | |
Crystal S. | Co-Chair | |
Ashley H. | Chair of Administration |
adminchair@maplehillpreschool. |
Katie T. | Chair of Registration | |
Sarah Y. | Secretary | |
Richard P. | Treasurer | |
Christa H. | Fundraising Chair | |
Catherine B. | Parent at Large for 4's | |
Erica A. | Parent at Large for 3's | |
Elected Position Overview
The Chair is responsible for the general coordination and organization of the Preschool and for all others serving in elected and/or volunteer positions. The Chair will call meetings and establish agendas, preside at meetings, prepare a portion of all newsletters, review insurance needs and act as liaison with the Sister’s of the Resurrection and the Advisory Committee to promote the smooth operation of the preschool. The Chair is also responsible for training the current Co-Chair to become Chair for the following term.
This is a transitional position to prepare for the role of Chair and it requires a two year commitment. The first year as Co-Chair will be spent learning the roles and responsibilities of Chair by assisting the Chair. The second year, the Co-Chair will move to the role of active Chair. The Co-Chair is also to assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. Should the Board not have a Past Chair, the Co-Chair will assume past Chair responsibilities (see below). Ideally the Treasurer will become the Co-Chair and collaborate with the new treasurer in learning the duties.
This role acts as a liaison between the Executive Committee and professional staff. They will obtain substitute personnel in case of absence. It may also be necessary for the VPA to consult with the President relative to unscheduled school closings. Submits photos and/or written articles/advertisements concerning the Preschool to the Times Union and The Advertiser newspapers.
The Chair of Registration establishes class lists upon receipt of registration forms and fees, as well as any necessary waiting lists. They will mail acceptance letters and other materials to those enrolled. During the year, it may be necessary to update class lists and notify staff, telephone and field trip chairpersons as well as Room Parents of any changes in class enrollment. They maintain mailing lists of all Corporate Members, Associate Members, the Advisory Board and Community Contacts.
The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes of all Executive Committee and Corporation Meetings (shorthand is not necessary). The minutes must be typed and distributed to all concerned in a timely manner. The Secretary is also responsible for all correspondence related to the general operation of the Preschool as well as typing the newsletters. Upon request of the Executive Committee, the Secretary assists the Administrator in submitting photos and/or written articles/advertisements concerning the Preschool to the Times Union and The Advertiser newspapers.
The Treasurer collects all Preschool funds (i.e. tuition, contributions, associate membership fees, etc.), maintains financial records in acceptable form and contacts parents regarding any delinquent tuition payments. The Treasurer will prepare an annual budget for consideration by Corporation Members prior to July 1st each year. Our accounting advisor will work closely with the Treasurer to maintain official financial records and to submit State and Federal reports. The Treasurer also prepares payroll for staff and disburses funds for Preschool expenses. The Treasurer must have access to a computer and a working knowledge of accounting. Being familiar with Excel is also necessary.
These positions are elected to serve as the class representative on the Executive Committee. The Parent at Large (PAL) must attend Executive Committee meetings and has full voting privileges. This position entails acting as a liaison between the class and the Executive Committee. It is helpful if the PAL feels comfortable with interacting with parents in an outgoing manner to facilitate the flow of information between the class and the Executive Committee. This position is best suited for someone who is present at drop off and pick up.